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What to Recap While Concluding a Meeting?

Discover how to effectively recap meetings to reinforce decisions, align on next steps, and ensure productive outcomes.

min read

A meeting recap is the final checkpoint, summarizing key points, decisions, and action items. It aligns all participants on accomplishments and next steps. Without it, crucial details may slip through the cracks, assignments can become murky, and the meeting's purpose might get lost in the daily grind. A solid recap turns productive discussions into concrete action.

Things to recap while concluding a meeting:

  • Meeting Objectives: Revisit the initial goals of the meeting. Were they achieved? If not, why?
  • Key Decisions: Restate major decisions, reinforcing outcomes and inviting final input.
  • Action Items: List out all tasks that were assigned, including who is responsible for each and their deadlines.
  • Next Steps: Outline what happens next, including any follow-up meetings or major milestones.
  • Unresolved Issues: Acknowledge any topics that weren't fully addressed and how they'll be handled moving forward.
  • Resources Needed: Identify any resources, information, or support required to accomplish the action items.
  • Key Takeaways: Highlight the most important insights or learnings from the discussion.
  • Timeline Review: Go over important dates mentioned during the meeting, ensuring everyone is clear on the schedule.
  • Responsibility Confirmation: Double-check that everyone understands and accepts their assigned tasks.
  • Questions and Clarifications: Open the floor for any final questions or points that need clarification.

A meeting without a recap is a story without an ending. The recap bridges discussion and action, turning a gathering of minds into a launchpad for progress. Before ending the meeting, take a moment to summarize. It's not just etiquette – it's the catalyst that transforms talk into triumph. Make your recap the exclamation point of a productive meeting!

How VCA helps with meeting agendas?

We understand that meetings aren’t just a time block. There are a plethora of pre-, in, and post-meeting tasks involved in driving an effective meeting. 

That’s why we are building the Video Calling App - it helps product and engineering teams capture meeting context, automate tasks, and focus on high-impact work.

VCA handles post-meeting tasks, including drafting summaries. AI-powered smart summaries capture essential context while maintaining the correct information hierarchy, stored in your organization’s knowledge library and accessible via AI search. 

We are still in the early stages and rolling out access every day. If that sounds interesting, join the waitlist or fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch super soon.

Fundamentally better way to meet, focus and ship faster

Feta puts all the best practices you just read into action. With Feta, product and engineering teams can capture meeting context, automate workflows, and keep everyone focused only on high-impact work.

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